Monday, August 26, 2013

My First Day

My first day so far at John Carroll has been a crazy one! When I was sitting in the car with my heart pounding I felt so nervous! When I first got to school I walked down the halls to get to my locker and I once again had trouble opening it, but I know I'm bound to get the hang of it eventually. Next, we got put into groups and had to go to the lower gym, the upper gym, the library, and the brown room. It was all very chaotic going from place to place having to get pictures done and hearing about the honor and integrity code. Soon after, we got to hear from our guess speaker. He made us laugh but he also taught us some very important lessons about communication and our beliefs. It was a really great way to start the day and the nervousness finally went away. I still have much more of my day left at John Carroll and I look forward to a great freshman year.

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