Saturday, August 31, 2013

What 'A Message to Garcia' Taught me!

In class, Friday, we discussed the “rant” of Elbert Hubbard in 1899. When you first hear of the story, we learn about how President McKinley had to deliver a message to the Cuban general Garcia. A man named Rowan takes the message without thinking twice and asking no questions. This story makes me think about how I want to make a plan for myself so that I’m successful during my four years at John Carroll. I want to always turn in my assignments on time so I don’t fall into the pattern of being tardy, not only in school but in my life. Next, I want to be outgoing in math, considering math is my toughest subject! Whenever I’m in math I go in with a closed mind and always wondering when the class will end, but I want to learn to try my hardest in math and all my other subjects. Another goal of mine is to not be afraid of being wrong. I’m usually shy and timid and in class, and I’m always afraid to raise my hand to answer a question because I didn't like the idea of being wrong. My fourth goal is to put myself out there and meet new people! Change is a hard thing but we have to go out there and never be afraid of people judging you! My last goal is to find out who I am and who I want to be. I believe if I have a visual in my mind of who I want to be, anything is possible.

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