Monday, September 2, 2013

It's all Greek to Me (Literally!)

Over the weekend we had the assignment of becoming acquainted with a few ancient Greek terms.

Agora- An ancient Greek marketplace but also a place of meeting for political reasons. They would not only have councils, but this was also a place of culture!

Arete- the Greek term for trying your very best and using all of your potential.

Polis- Meaning either “city-state” or “citizenship”

508 BC- The Athenian democracy in the city of Athens was created. The war between Rome and Clusium. 
The war between Clusium and Arcia.

Socrates- A spiritual leader and Athenian philosopher who lived from 469/470 BC to 399 BC.

The Death of Socrates- He was forced to drink hemlock poison for “corrupting the minds of young Athens.”  
The Socratic Method- It was named after philosopher, Socrates. It’s the negative method of hypothesis elimination.

What the Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- They meant that you were “lacking skill”

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