Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What Really Struck Me Today

Inter-globalization started long ago. It began when the Silk Road was made to connect the traders. China sold silk, Greece sold olives and olive oil, Egyptians created makeup, and many other things. This was the start of connecting all different forms of life together. At some point in class we came across the topic of North Korea and that really hit me. It’s so sad to know that these human beings are being cut off from the rest of the world and being controlled by a dictatorship. The worst part is they don’t even realize their prisoner. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lived there, maybe I act like a brainwashed zombie and never realize this was wrong, or maybe I would be too scared to fight back even if I did know the ugly truth. But I do know one thing, I would fight for my freedom even if it did mean a brutal end for myself. People can’t be held captive and pretend like nothing is wrong, you have to stand up and fight for you and your freedom. I wish there was something I could do to save the people of North Korea from such a terrible prison that was once there home. Who knows, maybe one day the people of North Korea will take a stand and fight what’s right.

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