Friday, September 20, 2013

Our First Test!

Today we had our very first human geography test! Overall, I think I did very well! Well, minus the fact I think I got the first question wrong. Is Wikipedia a primary source? I put true for that and i pray it's true! Isn’t that a great way to start off my first test? But either than that, I think I did great on my essays. Considering I love writing, I was able to write well thought out essays for each question. The hardest one was the question on infrastructure! I did as well as I could and hopefully I was correct. I am looking forward to finding out what we will learn about this semester. Now I’m sitting here in class trying to think of more words to put on my blog posts. Let’s see, this afternoon I have pottery club and I look forward to finishing my killer mug! Just thought I would let everyone know that! I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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