Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Madness!

Today, in human geo it was my fellow classmate’s birthday! We sang happy birthday, awfully off-key, to John but we all got an A for effort! Then we moved on and started to talk about Google documents. On Google documents you can work on writing things with different people from all different places at the same time! We were informed that we would get in groups for today’s class. Sometimes I get nervous when we have to partner up because I hate being left out, and I’m always afraid that could happen to me. But I got into a group, so I was a happy camper! It took a while logging into Google Drive, but in the end I found out Google Documents is so cool! My group and I were able to work on our assignment together (literally)! We had to type up questions for a test we would be having sometime this month, and my group and I came up with a lot of good questions! I had a great time in class today learning something new and I got to meet new people! I would say today was very successful!

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