Monday, September 16, 2013

Nike "Just Don't Do It!"

I realized today that the world can be really unfair. Around 1998 it was put out there that Nike, sportswear, had been mistreating their factory workers in sweatshops. They would use buff scary people to keep them in their place so they wouldn’t protest about the horrible wages of $1.25 a day! In Indonesia, the living conditions are horrible due to the fact they barely have any money to support themselves and their families. Imagine living in a small concrete “house” you called home, and then you go outside and have to walk through the sewage covered streets to get back to your job where you works hours upon hours. This video upset me such when they had the part where golfer Tiger Woods by wearing Nike sportswear, makes the equivalent money a second that’s enough to buy someone a house in Indonesia. How is it just because a man is an excellent golfer that he’s basically swimming in money, and a man in Indonesia has to struggle to make enough money for his family to live another day. The children in Indonesia never have the chance to get education, because their families can’t afford the price of school. How can this world grow if the children of tomorrow can’t get a proper education to help the world grow and develop? There has to be a change about this soon or there won’t be any hope for humanity left!

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