Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The CIA Knows All!

I learned in last mod today that the CIA knows basically everything in the world! They probably even know what I’m doing right this very second (if they really want to know I’m typing a blog post about my ninth grade human geo class!) So if the CIA is reading this I doubt they will learn something they already don’t know! We went to the Worldwide CIA Fact Book and looked up information involving the crude birth rate, the crude death rate, and population in different countries. I learned today the smallest populated country only has 48 people! I doubt everyone in America can say they know everyone in the United States! I wonder if I lived there if I could convince the 48 people to let me be president. Anyways, I also learned that China is the most populated country with India right on its tail. I can’t stop thinking how weird it is that I’m one in 7 billion people! We are all basically ants on one huge ant hill, each of us living our own lives. Like I said, mind-blowing! Tomorrow, we are going to dig even deeper into the topic of population and migration, and I look forward to whatever comes next.

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