Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Has Justice Been Served to Nike Sweatshop Workers?

Yesterday my blog was about Nike’s sweatshops in the 2000s. The question is, did Nike change its ways in the past decade? We looked at a website in class today about how Nike made the pay $4.00 a day instead of $1.25. That seems like an improvement, right? WRONG! Nike decided to use the military to scare the workers into having the payment of $3.70 a day, because if people in Indonesia sign on that they accept its okay to lose an extra thirty cents, the law will approve this act. Sadly, Indonesia doesn’t have minimum wage laws like America. Nike stoops so low so that men and women loose an extra thirty cents. No big deal, right? WRONG AGAIN! Nike saves $50,000 a day because they take thirty cents away from the hard workers that create their product. It disgusts me that they pay sports stars millions of dollars to wear their logo, and meanwhile in some country there are families struggling to provide a good life for their loved ones every day. The scales of justice seems awfully unfair and I hope that one day that the sweatshop workers of Nike get their justice.

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