Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Notes for our First Test on Friday!

Today, in class, we went over everything we needed to know for our test on Friday! The test consists of 10 multiple choice questions on everything from Socrates to globalization! We will also have three short essay questions. One of them is, “From the famous quote of Socrates ‘The unexamined life is not worth living’ how do you relate to that in your life?” I already have a few ideas about what I will say for that question! But I’m not going to tell just yet. We also presented our Power Points in class today. Well, my group didn’t because we didn’t exactly finish ours due to the fact my computer decided to hate me Monday morning! Three groups presented theirs and I was able to jot down some good notes from each PowerPoint. I wrote about how globalization started with the Silk Road thousands of years ago. But today the core of globalization is technology. Technology has advanced so much I could easily get on Skype and video call my friend from Italy! Intercommunications (a six-syllable word) allows us to connect to every corner of the earth! It’s crazy how much globalization has advanced since the Silk Road. I also jotted down some bad things about globalization. Like how major corporations take advantage of the poor people in developing countries by paying them low wages. Another big thing is that Americans are losing their jobs because other people in other countries will do their job for a cheaper price. I feel confident with all the notes I took today and I’m prepared for the test Friday!  

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