Friday, September 6, 2013

"Shift Happens"

The video we watched in class today really showed that “shift happens!” It’s crazy how things have changed so much! I choose three facts that stood out to me the most. One was that one out of six marriages meet online! Isn't that mad? Whatever happened to meeting people in person? Meeting someone online would be very creepy! On the show ‘Catfish’ on MTV, they unveil insane people who pretended to be a totally different person! I think people should get off their laptops and meet real people! The next fact is that if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest country in the world! It’s weird to think that Facebook was originally made by a college guy to use with his fellow-classmates and how it grew so much! Did anyone ever think that one social network could spread like wildfire! We’re all connected to people from every different hemispheres and the thought of that is really amazing! The last fact, that I personally love, is that 4,000 books are published every day! For a book addict, like me, that is probably the best fact ever! I love to read every sort of book and with 4,000 books getting published every day, the possibilities are endless! Today was a really eye-opening class and I can’t wait to see what we learn next!

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