Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I Dedicate This Post to UglyGrog4 and GizardBoy!

Human geography today was different, that’s for sure! We started talking about how ugly Socrates was but somehow we ended up talking about if people in Texas could marry their horse! It’s crazy how that happened! Socrates was a very wise man and he found deeper outlooks to certain things. We then started discussing same-sex marriage and our opinions about it. Socrates would have wanted our opinions to be supported by facts not just bluntly saying our opinions based on the people around us. Then suddenly a fellow-classmate brought up that in the state of Texas you can marry your horse. We soon got into a very long discussion about whether it was real or not. Thus we stumbled upon UglyGrog4 and GizardBoy! Although we never really found out the truth of whether eloping with a horse is legal, it was a fun class! To sum up the class, we heard Socrates’s greatest quote, “The unexamined life it not worth living.” This quote means you shouldn't just live a plain life, you should wake up every day and not fall into routines! Live your life to the fullest!

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