Friday, September 13, 2013

Fact: Wikipedia is a Great Source for Information about Literally Everything!

Today in human geography we began making a PowerPoint project with our groups about globalization on Google Documents. We learned the Wikipedia is an excellent and reliable source for finding information on basically anything. We were all able to look up “globalization” on Wikipedia and we found tons and tons of results! On the globalization page on Wikipedia the sources of where they found this information was listed and it was very helpful. All this information allowed us to find many pros and cons about globalization. My group and I split up the tasks to do during the globalization project. One person looked up the cons, another looked up the pros, and the last person looked up pictures and designs for our PowerPoint on globalization. We got pretty far and it was very successful but we still have a lot to do. This weekend I’m going to make sure I add more to the PowerPoint so that Monday my group isn’t overwhelmed with work. 

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