Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Greeks' Impact

Today on September 3, 2013 in human geography we learned the deeper meaning of a few an ancient Greek terms. We first talked about the agora. It was not only a marketplace but it was also a place of speech and speaking your mind. An average merchant could step up onto a box of some sorts and preach his feelings about different things. It was sort of the beginning of freedom of speech! Next, we spoke about arĂȘte. Which basically was living up to your full potential. You shouldn't just do well enough to get by you should always strive to live up to your entire potential! After that, we discussed polis which is a city-state. Back in ancient Greece they cities were always having wars against one another. They wanted to be the greater city in the end. Last we talked about the year 508 BC. This was one of the biggest events that shaped our world. The Athenians overthrew their government. The Athenian democracy in Athens was created. All the citizens ruled together and voted on issues. This was the beginning of something incredible! Tomorrow we will learn about Socrates and I’m looking forward to seeing what impact he had on the world.

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