Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Is Wednesday Over Yet? Thursday Come Quicker!

The notorious "Hump Day" is a pain in my neck, to put it nicely. I just took a test one mod ago and probably failed it! I will be lucky if I get a C! On the bright side... OH WAIT there is no bright side! When tomorrow comes I will be so happy! I have three reasons why! One: I get to leave school early because my sister has her psychiatrist appointment! Two: My friend Grace Cooney is in the Bel Air Quiditch Game! And she's on Gryfindor! I'm so excited to see how she does! And Three: The Sound of Music is being preformed live tomorrow on NBC! Considering The Sound of Music is my favorite musical, I can't wait to see how Carrie Underwood portrays Maria! Oh I forgot to talk about what we did in class today! We reviewed Microfinance and Microloans! We also discussed student loans as well! I think I will do good on my test Friday! I'm totally going to start studying tonight!

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