Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's Wednesday Already?

It's Wednesday! I haven't posted in a while because we have had two snow days! And let me tell you this, it was awesome! I basically had a four day weekend! Not to mention I got a lot done in the past four days! On Saturday I worked at the Christmas Bazaar at St. Ignatius and got to do face painting with my friends! Then, we saw Frozen! Let me tell you this, it was AMAZING! I started crying, well I'm not sure if it was because the movie was so moving or if I drank way too much soda and had to use the bathroom. Then over the weekend I got the majority of my Christmas shopping done for my family and friends! I also went sledding with my neighbors, and sadly I ended up face planting into the snow and getting hit smack in the head with a sled (which is a long story!) So that was my past four days! Today in human geo, we went over our tests! And we talked about exams, which is really starting to stress me out. Lord give me strength!

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