Friday, December 6, 2013

My Ears Hurt from All the Clapping!

There was a lot of clapping in Section 7! That's because everyone in our class got amazing grades on our Microfinance test! And I got 100! YAY! but then everyone starting clapping a lot and now my head hurts! I didn't end up going to Quiditch because it was cancelled, due to bad weather! But on the bright side I got to watch the Sound of Music! IT WAS BRILLIANT! I cried at least twice! My mom used half a box of tissues! I highly recommend it and Carrie Underwood crushed it! As for today, it seems to be going pretty slow, but hopefully it will get better. Have a happy weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Most people don't realize how hard it is do do an entire musical LIVE on national TV. Carrie Underwood gets tons of credit for taking on such a demanding role.
