Monday, December 2, 2013

It's December Already?

God, I wish break wasn't over! Sleeping in late was the best thing, but know I'm back to waking up at the crack of dawn. Yay (Hint the sarcasm). On the bright side there's only three more weeks until Christmas Break! On the down side exams are getting closer. Just thinking about exams sends chills down my spine, considering I'm beyond nervous for them. Especially Earth Science with Mr. Perry. Warning I may pass out that day. Another down side is that this class will almost be over, and I will move on to my new teacher for Western Civilization with Mr. Teter. It's bittersweet. I'm excited to find out how that class is. But I'm sad I will no longer have Mr. Schick considering he was a pretty awesome teacher. Another down side is that me and Alyssa will be in different classes :( It really sucks because she such an awesome friend and we always have the best discussions in Human Geo. On the brighter side, no more blogs! I feel like I've grown a lot in the past three/four months. And I feel like this class prepared me for what is to come, and I'm beyond grateful for that! Oh yeah, I almost forgot to talk about what we did today in class. Sorry, I always get carried away when once I start talking, I usually can't shut up. We reviewed our class PowerPoint, and I firmly believe Alyssa and my blog was the best by far! We crushed it! I'm gonna make sure I really enjoy these last couple weeks of class! When I really think about it I will miss my blog! But until then I will keep blogging, mainly because I'm required to!

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