Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Best Tuesday Ever!

FINALLY BREAK IS HERE! I'm so happy I could do a double back flip, but I won't because I would end up breaking my neck... But either than that I'm so so so happy! Just the thought of being able to sleep in tomorrow morning makes me smile! Today in class we all just chilled and listened to music and worked on stuff. I ended up working on creating a William Shakspeare Facebook page for my English class. It turns out Will's favorite movie is Twilight! I guess he has a thing for love stories, except Bella and Edward have a happy ending unlike Romeo and Juliet. Maybe in his eyes there love was beautifully tragic and that's the best love story of all. Anyways I'm about to go to the Senior Variety Show! YAY! Well I'm actually being forced to go by my parents since my sister is in it. I hope she does well with her dance routine. And that's about it! I'm off to enjoy my break :) PEACE OUT!

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