Monday, November 18, 2013

Peace Corps. is Amazing!

Happy Monday! I can’t believe that this semester is almost over, which means I will have to move onto a new teacher! It’s very bittersweet! But on the bright side Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner! Today we discussed microloans. It’s really cool how that works. There no down side to it! You lend your money to a building business and this helps that person get on their feet and help their own community out. Plus, you get paid back! It’s like a cycle of never ending helping! It’s a win win! We discussed the Peace Corps and what they do. I really love the idea of going around the world and giving help o those who need it. I almost like the idea of joining it. Just being able to help all those people, and making a difference in their lives would be amazing. There is so much we can do to help the world, so why not go to these places in need and help out?

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