Saturday, November 23, 2013

All I Can Say is Catching Fire is AH MA ZING!

I am so so so so so so so happy one of my family members reminded me to do my blog from yesterday! Since it technically isn’t due until 12:00 I still have a solid 40 some minutes to complete my post, and I doubt it will take that long. Yesterday we continued on our Peace Corps challenge and Alyssa and I saved the tribe of Wazuzu! That deserves a happy dance. Then we basically listened to music and sang off key. Overall it was an awesome class! We should totally do this more often, seriously! I can’t really think of anything else to talk about, but I did have an amazing last couple of days because I saw The Hunger Games: Catching Fire! It was life changing and beyond perfect! I mean the visual effects were stunning and they captured the beauty of the book and were able to transfer it on screen! Plus who wouldn’t want to see Josh Hutcherson! ;)

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