Monday, November 11, 2013

My Inspiration

Today in first mod human geography, we went over more about world leaders! It turns out a lot of these people are very interesting, and others are sort of boring. It’s crazy how some of the people were inspired to become leaders even though their countries were against them. Like Dilma Rossuff the leader of Brazil, she never gave up trying to save her country even though they had tortured her brutally. She remained strong and never stopped fighting for the Brazil she believed was there. Dillma is a true inspiration! I wish we had someone like her running the United States of America. We have a test Wednesday that I’m not looking forward to. It just seems like there is too much information for my brain to take in! I’m going to start studying right away! By the way I really don’t like my seat in human geography due to the fact I can’t see that well in the back and that there are people that don’t know when to shut their mouths. Hopefully I can get a new seat soon!

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