Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blog #2!

So now I’m making sure I post my blog today, so I’m doing it while everyone is finishing up their test! Praise the Lord from Heaven above the test/quiz was open note, well open “blog.” I was nervous all day long about this quiz! I think I did really well, and if I had to guess I think the only one I got wrong was which leader had the nickname “Bibi.” I couldn’t find the answer on my blog anywhere! Oh well either than that I believe I did excellent! If I had one suggestion for the quiz is that the lines were long for my answers! Do you know how hard it is to fit “King and Prime Minister Abdullahbin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud” on one tiny line?  Try saying that fast five times! In the end I believe today was one of success not just in this class but others as well!

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