Monday, November 25, 2013

I am EXTREMELY Close to Smashing my Laptop!

Okay, so here’s the deal: I HATE MY COMPUTER! I am seriously going to throw it out a window, hit it with a sledge hammer, run over it with a 100 gallon cement truck, and burn it with a flame thrower. Did I get my point across? What happened was my computer decided not to load, as usual. And Alyssa’s laptop wasn’t charged so she had to use my laptop. Eventually we got my laptop to work after many harsh words were exchanged between the computer and me. The entire class was in charge of contributing a slide to a PowerPoint on microfinance. Let me just say ours was the best! It was simple yet it had excellent information. I even came up with the word microentrepeneurs! Not to mention Alyssa and I did our slide in half the time everyone else did considering we were dealing with technical issues. We are totally going to get an A! By the way I really think we shouldn’t do a PowerPoint with the entire class again! No one can work for five seconds without someone changing the background black!

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