Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Very Long List of What Inspired These Leaders to become the People They Are Today!

President Enrique Peña Nieto (Mexico)
·       Enrique Peña Nieto said that he became interested in politics during elementary school, when he was picked as class leader (
·       Around 1981, the fifteen-year-old Peña Nieto had his first direct contact with Mexican politics. He then began delivering propaganda in favor of his relative who was running, a memory Peña Nieto still recalls as the turning point and start of his deep interest in politics. (

President XI Jinping (China)
·       His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a contributor to bringing about the social revolution and a revolutionary leader. (
·       He rose through China's political ranks swiftly, serving for three years as a provincial governor, then as a provincial Party chief, and in 2007 as Hu Jinato's successor (

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (India)
·       He played an important role in helping India's economy while serving as the Minister of Finance.
·       He worked for the United Nations after receiving an Ph.D. from Oxford University.

President Hamid Karzai (Afghanistan)
 Led the resistance during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s (
·       When the Taliban took control of the country, it offered him the U.N. ambassadorship. He declined and fled to Pakistan when the Taliban began working with foreign terrorists (

Chancellor Angela Merkel (Germany)
·       Merkel was a member of the Free German Youth, the official youth movement sponsored by the ruling Socialist Unity Party (
·       While a student, she participated in the reconstruction of the ruin of the Moritzbastei, a project students initiated to create their own club and recreation facility on campus, this was something she was passionate about. (

Prime Minister David Cameron (United Kingdom)
·       Once he became head of Britain's Conservative party, Cameron sought to modernize it and shed its right-wing image (
·       In 1991, Cameron began briefing then-Prime Minister John Major, and the following year he was promoted as special adviser to Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont (

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (France)
·       Ayrault was a member of a movement of young Christians in rural areas (
·       He joined the Socialist Party (PS) after the 1971 Epinay Congress during which François Mitterrand took the party leadership (

President Dilma Rousseff (Brazil)
·       She became a socialist during her youth, and following the 1964 coup d'état joined various left-wing and Marxist urban guerrilla groups that fought against the military dictatorship. Rousseff was eventually captured and jailed between 1970 and 1972, where she was reportedly tortured (
·       Wanting to make a difference for the country she loved, even though they had supposedly tortured her, she still went after becoming a part of the government to make a change for the better (

President Nicolas Maduro Moros (Venezuela)
·       Nicolás Maduro was born on 23 November 1962 in Caracas, Venezuela, the son of a union leader. (
·       His first introduction to politics was when he became a member of his high school's student union (
King and Prime Minister Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
·       He is the tenth son of King Abdulaziz (
·       Helped create the Allegiance Authority, a committee of princes who vote on the eligibility of future monarchs and crown princes (

President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani (Iran)
·       As a young cleric Hassan Rouhani started his political activities by following the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini during the beginning of the Iranian Islamist movement (Rouhani, Hassan (2008). Memoirs of Hassan Rouhani; Vol. 1: The Islamic Revolution (in Persian). Tehran, Iran: Center for Strategic Research)
·       In 1965, he began traveling throughout Iran making speeches against the government of the Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the king of Iran (

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel)
·       Netanyahu became leader of the Likud party in 1993 and continued working with Likud ever since (
·       In 1967, Benjamin went to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces' elite unit, "Sayeret Matkal," and took part in a lot of military operations, including the 1972 rescue of a hijacked Sebana airplane (

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