Friday, November 1, 2013

Hooray for my A :)

I was so prepared for the quiz today! Well sort of. I got home really late last night from hanging out with my friends, and I still had homework to do for my earth science class. Eventually I finished my six page paper on some German scientists whose name I can’t pronounce. But when I started studying for human geography my eyes lids kept closing. This went on for about a half hour until my dad told me to go to bed around twelve. This morning my mom’s alarm clock didn't go off so I was an hour late for school. But on the way to school I successfully studied all my notes! So I guess it worked out in the end. We’re going to get our tests back shortly, because they are being graded as I type this.  Drum roll please! I got an ‘A’! A 93% to be exact! That totally made my raining day! 

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