Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Test is Friday and I will Remember!

I’m super happy to know I’m going to remember the test for Friday! I made sure I wrote it down on a sticky note on my computer and in my agenda. Now all I have to do is study for the test. Today we went over two other religions. Also my group finally got to finish our presentation, which I thought was pretty awesome! The other two religions was Buddhism and Christianity. Buddhism has a lot of notes involved! I mean a lot! I never knew that America had a stereotype for Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. He was actually a fat go happy guy, he fasted a lot and I could see why people would be offended by this. Next was Christianity. Something I barely know anything about hint the sarcasm! But we went over the basics like Jesus is both human and divine. We believe in one God. Also how our holy book is the Bible. That kind of stuff! In the end we didn’t have time to go over Judaism, but were going to review it Friday morning! I look forward to doing well on the test!

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