Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Soda, Pop, or Coke?

Today in Human Geography, I was the only person to get an ‘A’ on our POPulation Quiz! I do realize that it was a super hard quiz! Considering no one checked the blog page for our class so none of us knew about the test. The shadow did better than some people! What does that say about our class? I only got one wrong, so it was a good start to my day. Then we began talking about immigrants from Mexico, and started debating about that. Then we learned about how cultures are different in different places. The main factors are languages, religions, and possibly one other thing, that I can’t think of at the moment! It will come back to me eventually. So we looked at a chart of America and how in different parts of America people call soft drinks different thing. On the east coast a lot of people call it “soda.” In the northern part of America they called it “pop.” In the south they called it “coke.”  By the people were around growing up we start to talk like they would. It’s not like they tell their child right to their face you will call soft drinks pop. But the influence of people around them saying that causes them to become accustomed to saying pop! It’s pretty cool how stuff like that works! 

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