Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me (LOL)

It’s my birthday today! Yay me, I can barely believe I’m fifteen! I brought in donuts for the class and got to wear the birthday hat! (My only question is do you ever clean the hat? I’m not in the mood for lice!) Anyways I successfully completed my test, even though I think I spelled one thing wrong and the last question stumped me. Technically they built a better life for themselves and for their “mother land.” Either than that I think I did great! It was really cool watching the documentary of these three men and how they made a difference for their country even though they didn’t live there anymore. Overall the documentary was awesome, and I’m looking forward to trying the “Keva” thing with the class! The idea of being able to sponsor someone and help them start their lives is pretty cool. I hope our class does look into this idea, because honestly it’s a win win situation. I know that even if our class doesn’t go through with this, I want to! I believe that we should all do our part and make a difference in our world one step at a time.

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