Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What does John Bul Dau Plan on Doing?

Today, we continued watching the journeys of John Bul Dau, Daniel Abul Pach, and Panther Bior in America. John got a job as a factory worker in the day during the early morning and towards the afternoon he worked at McDonalds. Panther got a job as a bus boy at a lovely restaurant, and Daniel got a job at a bank. They seemed to be getting the swing of things! Except one of the problems for them was they weren’t used to how Americans communicated. Back in Africa everyone was friendly. But to Americans these men are seen as a threat when they walk in groups because they are tall black men. It’s almost sad that they categorized them as bad people even though they had no clue who they were. Meanwhile Daniel and John got to go to community college to get a better chance at career opportunities. After years of trying John got a letter back about his family. They had been separated during the night raids in their village. John learned that his mother, father, brother, and sisters were alive, but ill. This is when John Bul Dau said that he was going to make a difference for his family back in Sudan. I look forward to finding out what John plans on doing!

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