Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy/Sad Friday

Happy/Sad Friday. Finally its Friday it only took like forever for today to come. On the bright side I get to go on the NYC trip this weekend with my friends! On the down side today, I have two quizzes, the sinking feeling I forgot something very important, and a viewing to attend for my friend Rachel DiCamillo’s dad. Anyways the human geography quiz we took was worth fifty points! The worst part was I totally forgot about in yesterday and didn’t bring my notebook home to study. I have two or three concerns on the test. The first one was I think I got NATO and NAFTA mixed up. Now that I think about it I think I mixed NATO, NAFTA, and OPEC. Well there goes my good grade. Abbreviations are the most confusing things! This just proves I probably would have done better if I studied. Now our tests just came back from being graded and I’m scared to death! Please, please, please let me do well, I really want at least a B. I just found out I got an 80! Right now I’m doing a happy dance in my head, considering I thought I was majorly doomed!

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