Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nationalism & Marijuana

Today, in human geography we discussed some more about nationalism. But somehow that turned into us discussing marijuana, and it seems like some people are really for it. We began the discussion, along about how America is number one in imprisonments. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? On the bright side that means less criminals are roaming the streets. On the down side one out of every eight prisoners are in jail because it has something to do with marijuana. Either selling it or using it, they ended up getting tossed into jail cells. But with all the marijuana users in jail, there isn’t room for the other criminals. Then the legalization of marijuana came up and it turned into an entire discussion about if we should legalize this drug. In my opinion yes and no. I really don’t want a bunch of weed smoking hippies roaming the streets, but then again these people take up the jails. If they take of the jails where will we stash are murders? The solution in my mind is simple, well not really. This is an idea I got from the movie, but what if we had the Purge? It’s just a thought, and I really hope it doesn’t all come down to one night where everyone is free to do whatever they want. 

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