Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Panther, John Bul Dau, & Daniel Abul Pach Start a New Life in America!

It was crazy watching a lot of the “Lost Boys” getting the opportunity to go to America. We watched them get on the airplanes, leaving the refugee camp behind. When they traveled to America they had never seen electricity. They were all amazed by light switches, the TVs on the plane, and the remotes. One of the people ate hand soap believing it was food! When they were at the airport they almost tripped getting on the escalators. When they got to America they moved into their new homes. They were fascinated by everything from the refrigerator to toilets. They have 90 days to get job permits and start paying back the government for the flight over to America. Panther was especially excited to stand on his own two feet. Even though they were in America and loving it, they retained their ways. They still ate their meals with their hands, like they did in Africa. It was very sad to see that even though they were happy to be in America, they missed their fellow brothers back in the refugee camp. I believe that they will make a difference for their people. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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