Monday, October 21, 2013

Why Can't We Be Friends?

I don’t know why someone ever thought human geography first mod was a bright idea. I was not awake at all today, and it was super hard to focus because I was freezing. I had goose bumps covering my arms and legs and it felt like an icicle was growing on the tip of my nose! We started talking about cultural groups. We discussed how language, ethnic groups, and religion play a big role in it. Like some countries have multiple languages, but some have only one. We discussed religion a lot. Religion is the main cause of war! The five largest religions are Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Judaism, and Hinduism. Christianity, Judaism, and Muslims are very alike. Our main roots go back to Abraham. Yet somehow it is those religions that have the most conflict with each other. Each of these three religions believe the Holy Land (Jerusalem) belongs to them. It hard to believe that religions based off of peace have the most violence and war. Why can’t we just accept each other’s differences? Why does Jerusalem have to “belong” to someone? Why can’t we share this sacred land that is none for peace and not war? We shouldn’t let our differences come between us. We should be united and live in peace. I know that sounds cliché because there is always going to be a conflict, but we should at least try to stay sane for the sake of religion.   

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