Friday, October 11, 2013

Pop(ulaion) Quiz!!!

I learned a very valuable lesson today in Human Geography. Always, and I mean always, check the human geo blog! I didn’t know we had a quiz today at all! I was in shock when I walked in and heard we had a test. Lesson learned. The quiz was on the terms we learned a month ago, and I have a selective memory and I remember the weirdest stuff, but of course my brain didn’t remember those terms. I think I got a B on the test (well I’m hoping I did.) There were one or two I didn’t know but overall I think I did well! Our shadow Darren got an 80! He probably did better than me! He was only here for twenty five minutes and he managed to get a B. I wish I could learn stuff that quick! Well, I’m looking forward to starting Kiva, and I really want our class to win and get a Chick-Fa-Le party! Oh and helping someone is also cool. 

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