Wednesday, November 13, 2013

So I Kinda Forgot to Blog...

So I may or may not have forgotten to blog last night. Okay well I did, but it’s only because I got carried away studying for two tests and a bunch of other homework! I especially studied for our test today (hooray.) Yet I’m still very nervous I won’t do well. It seems like there are thousands of world leaders and then we have to know what kind of government they have and what impacted their lives and a bunch of other stuff that makes my head spin. Does it seem like I’m stressed? SPOILER ALERT! I AM! I know we have had a few days to study and I have been reviewing, it’s just when the day of the test comes I start to have a panic attack! Oh and I do plan on posting another blog today, because I making up for yesterday’s blog. But yesterday I found out our class has very strong opinions on women’s’ rights! Woman rule! Enough said!

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