Friday, December 13, 2013

Way Back When

Wow! This week flew by! Probably because we had off Monday and Tuesday! Don't get me wrong I'm glad the weekend is here, but on the down side I'm stuck at home having to study all weekend long! Just the thought of exams is giving my anxiety and when I have anxiety, let me tell you, it's not pretty! I mean just on a normal test I scared half to death! So when the day of exams come, I may pass out or have a heart attack or an asthma attack or just die. It's weird because we are reviewing and going back to the beginning of the year. I feel like I learned so much in the past four months. It honestly feels like years ago since we talked about Socrates. I realize I have grown as a student and I learned a lot from this class and I will carry these lessons for the rest of my life! I feel like I will do good on the exam because I feel that I really took up the goal of "excellence."

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