Friday, January 17, 2014

My Last Post...For Now

I can't believe this is my last human geography class... I can't even begin to say how much I'm going to miss this class! I learned so much and had a lot of fun when doing so! And I got to meet Alyssa, my human geo bestie! It really sucks that we aren't going to be in the same class anymore, because I have Mr. Teter and she has Mr. Schick. Mr. Schick taught us all so much and I really enjoyed this class! The blogs rock :) I'm going to miss posting them! Maybe I will start my own blog! I don't know what I would talk about though... But anyways keep doing the blogs! Maybe more partner work would be fun for the next semester people! But either than that everything was awesome! I hope that I will have Mr. Schick as a teacher again someday in the future! Wish me luck when getting Mr. Teter, I heard he gives out a lot of homework. Lord give me strength! Goodbye Human Geography, thanks for everything :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Radioactive Bananas & Geographical Luck

It's no secret that my human geography class is a little... well, crazy. I swear, if i don't get a good grade on my test Friday because you had some people blabbing on and on about radioactive bananas, I will find them and probably either throw my laptop at their face (so then it would break and I would get a new one) or find a way to explode a radioactive banana in their face. Just saying. Maybe I'm a little harsh but this is the last grade of the class and I want to do well! WOW! IT JUST HIT ME! This is the second to last class! OH MY GOD! THIS IS MY SECOND TO LAST BLOG! That's so weird! And it makes me sad! I'm really gonna miss this class and hanging out with Alyssa! I had so much fun and learned so much! I do feel confident for the test Friday! Oh someone should totally bring food to eat for Friday! Maybe some taco dip :) or cupcakes! Doesn't matter!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Apparently Monkeys are Carnivores!

Today in human geo, we watched more on the video of Jared Diamond, the bird watched/ professor and his search for why some people are more advanced than others! Really it just comes down to geographical luck. Geographical luck is luck that people have from their location. Like in the Middle-East, they had geographical luck because they were able to grow wheat and barley which contained protein. But the people in Papa New Guinea only had the Gopa tree (I may have spelled that wrong) which lacks good protein. Another example of this was animals. In the Middle-East they were able to raise goats for a source of milk, protein, wool for clothes, and fertilizer! This started the beginning of the end of hunting like Nomads. They domesticated these things to their advantage, like horses were used for transportation and plowing! Meanwhile, in New Guinea they only had pigs. Pigs couldn't provide milk or wool, and they also couldn't provide much fertilizer since the New Guineans had to focus on feeding themselves. They only thing pigs were good for was meat. This put the New Guineans at a disadvantage. We also saw in the video of why people didn't domesticate carnivores. It's not because they are dangerous, but it was because in order to keep the carnivores alive you needed to provide them with food! At this point in the video it was paused with a monkey chomping on a flamingo! I THOUGHT MONKEYS ATE BANANAS! I mean in the book/movie Catching Fire we see killer monkeys, but they were genetically engineered by the Capitol to kill Katniss, Peeta and Finnick! Did i mention I know a lot about the Hunger Games :) It's m favorite series EVER! Anyways that was today! Only two more days of class left!!!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Quest For Answers!

Today in human geography we went into the story of a scientist, named Jared Diamond, who is troubled by a question and is determined to figure it out. A man from New Guinea asked him, “Why do you white men have more cargo than us?” By “us” this man was referring to the New Guineans, whom had for over thousands of years were hunter gathers. Jared Diamond found out that this question was more complex than it seemed. What makes a civilization thrive and prosper? What is a civilization’s downfall? Jared Diamond’s quest to find the answer took him back thousands and thousands of years to the Middle East. People of that time were nomads. They went from place to place to find food and water. But around that time another ice age occurred causing a thousand year drought, yet the humans survived this. How? The answer is simple: they un-nomaded themselves! The people of that time began to settle and form villages. But how did they do that with the drought going on? They began to advance. The people planted crops of wheat and barley and were able to store them for long periods of time. This was a huge advancement and was the building blocks for civilizations to come! I agree with Diamond’s theory that it took the key step of starting to build villages and staying in one place was the start to growing civilizations. Jared believes that because the people of New Guinea haven’t advanced because they are still hunter gathers. I agree with Jared Diamond’s ideas about this matter because it’s true! Without coming together and growing food on our own and building villages we wouldn’t be where we are today!

P.S. I can’t believe this is the last week of human geography! I’m really going to miss it!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm Posting This from My Parent's IPad

Some may ask why I am posting this blog post from my parent's IPad, well it because of my lovely laptop. I seriously starting to think about tying a bank safe to my laptop, going to a cliff a 1000 ft above some sort of ocean and dropping it off the top of this cliff and watching it sink to the bottom of the ocean!!! Then the fish can have fun trying to fix my piece of junk. An octopus can take it for all I care! The struggle is real. Now my laptop is telling me that it can't connect to ANY wifi at all! Not just at school but at my house as well. So now I have no way of posting anything from my laptop. So I guess I'm going to be using this for the next couple of days. Anyways yesterday we talked about the speech and debate team, and I have to admit, I kind of want to join. It sounds like a lot of fun and I'm not that bad at speaking and it's a great thing to get into! I may join at the beginning of next year. I think we should totally have a debate day in class! It would be a lot of fun. We did discuss a little more about urban geography in the Roman Empire! It was pretty interesting and I look forward to the last week of class.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Infamous Wednesday

Wednesday. There are thousands of words I could use to describe it! From "Hump Day" to "the longest most horrendous day of the week." On the small bright side to this Wednesday we came in two hours late! So, our classes our much shorter and not so long and painful. The day itself was pretty normal! There weren't any massive snow storms or frost-bite cold temperatures (although it was still chilly out!) I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. I was successful in Spanish class today because I was able to finally get my Spanish speaking exam over and done with! I had a few mistakes, but I did very well overall! Today in human geo we talked more about Urban Geography and how people used to sacrifice humans as offerings to the Gods! Harsh right? Well, we will probably learn more about this topic tomorrow! I now have to go and type about my service hours -__-

Monday, January 6, 2014

I'm Back!

Break and exams are finally over, and now I'm back at school! It's bittersweet because I did miss my friends and I'm excited about the new semester starting soon, but on the down side I don't get to sleep in till eleven and I get a new social studies teacher in two weeks! It's crazy how half of the school year is already coming to an end. It feels like just yesterday on the first day of class we were watching the video of Mr. Schick saying he wasn't going to be here for our first day! Crazy, right? With only two weeks left, we are learning about Urban Geography. This is going to lead into next semester's course of Western Civilization. Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention I got a 92 on my exam! RAISE THE ROOF! I was so psyched I did so well! I really did enjoy this course and I look forward to my last couple of weeks.