Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm Posting This from My Parent's IPad

Some may ask why I am posting this blog post from my parent's IPad, well it because of my lovely laptop. I seriously starting to think about tying a bank safe to my laptop, going to a cliff a 1000 ft above some sort of ocean and dropping it off the top of this cliff and watching it sink to the bottom of the ocean!!! Then the fish can have fun trying to fix my piece of junk. An octopus can take it for all I care! The struggle is real. Now my laptop is telling me that it can't connect to ANY wifi at all! Not just at school but at my house as well. So now I have no way of posting anything from my laptop. So I guess I'm going to be using this for the next couple of days. Anyways yesterday we talked about the speech and debate team, and I have to admit, I kind of want to join. It sounds like a lot of fun and I'm not that bad at speaking and it's a great thing to get into! I may join at the beginning of next year. I think we should totally have a debate day in class! It would be a lot of fun. We did discuss a little more about urban geography in the Roman Empire! It was pretty interesting and I look forward to the last week of class.

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