Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Apparently Monkeys are Carnivores!

Today in human geo, we watched more on the video of Jared Diamond, the bird watched/ professor and his search for why some people are more advanced than others! Really it just comes down to geographical luck. Geographical luck is luck that people have from their location. Like in the Middle-East, they had geographical luck because they were able to grow wheat and barley which contained protein. But the people in Papa New Guinea only had the Gopa tree (I may have spelled that wrong) which lacks good protein. Another example of this was animals. In the Middle-East they were able to raise goats for a source of milk, protein, wool for clothes, and fertilizer! This started the beginning of the end of hunting like Nomads. They domesticated these things to their advantage, like horses were used for transportation and plowing! Meanwhile, in New Guinea they only had pigs. Pigs couldn't provide milk or wool, and they also couldn't provide much fertilizer since the New Guineans had to focus on feeding themselves. They only thing pigs were good for was meat. This put the New Guineans at a disadvantage. We also saw in the video of why people didn't domesticate carnivores. It's not because they are dangerous, but it was because in order to keep the carnivores alive you needed to provide them with food! At this point in the video it was paused with a monkey chomping on a flamingo! I THOUGHT MONKEYS ATE BANANAS! I mean in the book/movie Catching Fire we see killer monkeys, but they were genetically engineered by the Capitol to kill Katniss, Peeta and Finnick! Did i mention I know a lot about the Hunger Games :) It's m favorite series EVER! Anyways that was today! Only two more days of class left!!!!

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