Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Infamous Wednesday

Wednesday. There are thousands of words I could use to describe it! From "Hump Day" to "the longest most horrendous day of the week." On the small bright side to this Wednesday we came in two hours late! So, our classes our much shorter and not so long and painful. The day itself was pretty normal! There weren't any massive snow storms or frost-bite cold temperatures (although it was still chilly out!) I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. I was successful in Spanish class today because I was able to finally get my Spanish speaking exam over and done with! I had a few mistakes, but I did very well overall! Today in human geo we talked more about Urban Geography and how people used to sacrifice humans as offerings to the Gods! Harsh right? Well, we will probably learn more about this topic tomorrow! I now have to go and type about my service hours -__-

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