Monday, January 13, 2014

The Quest For Answers!

Today in human geography we went into the story of a scientist, named Jared Diamond, who is troubled by a question and is determined to figure it out. A man from New Guinea asked him, “Why do you white men have more cargo than us?” By “us” this man was referring to the New Guineans, whom had for over thousands of years were hunter gathers. Jared Diamond found out that this question was more complex than it seemed. What makes a civilization thrive and prosper? What is a civilization’s downfall? Jared Diamond’s quest to find the answer took him back thousands and thousands of years to the Middle East. People of that time were nomads. They went from place to place to find food and water. But around that time another ice age occurred causing a thousand year drought, yet the humans survived this. How? The answer is simple: they un-nomaded themselves! The people of that time began to settle and form villages. But how did they do that with the drought going on? They began to advance. The people planted crops of wheat and barley and were able to store them for long periods of time. This was a huge advancement and was the building blocks for civilizations to come! I agree with Diamond’s theory that it took the key step of starting to build villages and staying in one place was the start to growing civilizations. Jared believes that because the people of New Guinea haven’t advanced because they are still hunter gathers. I agree with Jared Diamond’s ideas about this matter because it’s true! Without coming together and growing food on our own and building villages we wouldn’t be where we are today!

P.S. I can’t believe this is the last week of human geography! I’m really going to miss it!

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